September 28, 2013


My clingy sissy and I were at National Bookstore one time, carefully choosing which ones to prioritize, say one book each, but we ended up buying six! :))) We were hesitant to buy Paprika at first, because it's expensive. Haha! Kakuriputan attack. Buuut the cover and the synopsis were just to interesting to be ignored. Plus, it's the only stock left! or it's the one and only stock they had. Meant for us :p

September 23, 2013

Oh Singapura!

MNL-SG | photo grabbed from clingy sissy's Instagram account :)
It was another spontaneous trip, pursued by yours truly because I wanted to travel on my 23rd birthday :p Sadly, due to the randomness, wasn't able to celebrate with the whole family, but still enjoyed the Singapore adventure with Mommy and Tricia Mae <3