June 15, 2011

and they were all orange :)

We left London which was celebrating the Royal Wedding that time, and we chose to participate in the biggest street party in Europe --- the Queen's day! In Dutch, Koninginnedag :) The Queen's day is celebrated every 30th of April in celebration of the Queen's birthday. Queen Beatrix' birthday actually falls on January 31 but it was decided that the Queen's day be observed on a more favorable weather, April 30 --- the birthday of her mother and predecessor, Juliana.  

Partying begins the night before which is called the Queen's night or in Dutch, Koninginnenacht :) As early as 7:00pm, the streets were already filled with people from all over the world. In every street, there was a different music played, and of course, a variety of crowd too! We were literally dancing while walking, and head-banging while talking and singing along.

I didn't get a decent photo that night but this was how it was like that night :)

super fail, i know! :p
Then came the morning we were waiting for! We put on our orange shirts, and our orange shades, and blended with the city in orange :D

The streets were really filled with people! The city was so alive with all the music playing and with all the crowd dancing. But the best part was the flea or free market --- in Dutch, Vrijmarkt :) I was able to buy a bag and a pair of jeans for only one euro each! :D Aside from the market on the streets, people also set up a sale in front of their houses. We enjoyed doing the house-to-house shopping more because of the better stuff for much lesser prices! I even purchased a Zara blazer for only 3 euros. Great buy, right? :D

creativity and originality! :)

coin purse made from tin :)
Queen's Day was also a family event. These children were just too adorable, we had to buy from them! :)

wonderful twins! love their cupcake :D
Many people did not settle on the streets. They brought the party on the canals! :D

 I am definitely going back to Amsterdam someday :p Who wants to come with? :D

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